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SciFi Pubcast

Aug 30, 2021

Episode 87: Suspended Animation! It’s a Sleeper.

Welcome to the SciFi Pubcast! Come for a drink but stay for the speculation. 

We’re talking the use of suspended animation in science fiction. It’s a real cold topic for us. Please don’t fall asleep.

So grab a drink with extra ice cubes.

This is the SciFi...

Aug 15, 2021

Episode 86: The Suicide Squad (film, 2021, director: James Gunn)!

Welcome to the SciFi Pubcast! Come for a drink but stay for the speculation. 

We’re talking the new DC film, The Suicide Squad. It’s to die for, really. And we’re talking spoilers.

So grab your favorite beach cocktail.

This is the SciFi...